How Long Will A Narcissist Rebound Relationship Last

How Long Will A Narcissist Rebound Relationship Last

Narcissists are notorious for being self-absorbed and emotionally unstable. They often get bored with their partners after a while and move on to someone new.

They’re masters at manipulating others to get what they want. They thrive on attention and admiration from others. They love to play games with their partners and make them feel special. But eventually, they always end up hurting their partner.

A narcissist will likely return to being charming again after a short time. The longer the narcissist stays with the target, the more damage is done.

But how long does it take before the narcissist starts dating someone else? And how do you tell if such a person has changed? In this article, we’ll examine these questions and determine how long a narcissist will stay in a relationship.

I wanted to help you understand the true nature of selfish people and how to spot them early on. Understanding the signs of narcissism can protect you from narcissistic abuse and prevent future heartbreak.

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Do Narcissists bounce back from relationships as quickly as we hear?

It depends on the type of narcissism. Some narcissists are plain mean and cruel, while others are simply immature and selfish. Still, others are just plain lazy. But, regardless of the type, most narcissistic people eventually recover from their bad behavior. In fact, many even become better people over time.

But not everyone recovers. Certain types of narcissists never change. These are the ones whose destructive behaviors persist throughout their lives. And these are the ones who cause the most damage to their relationships.

I’ve studied narcissists for years, and I’m here to tell you that it takes longer than you might expect for narcissists to recover from a breakup. It may take months or even years before they truly begin to heal.

How Long Will A Narcissist Rebound Relationship Last?

Narcissist relationships are shorter than others, mostly. According to research, narcissists have an average duration of two months before they move on to another victim. However, he notes that this number varies widely depending on the individual. Some may only have a few days or weeks left before they move on, whereas others may remain attached to their victims for years.

The good news is that once narcissists move on, they rarely look back. Even though narcissists are aware of their flaws and shortcomings, they still feel entitled to special treatment. They don’t realize they’re just like everyone else and instead believe they deserve something different. Therefore, to avoid falling prey to a narcissist again, it’s essential to understand why they behave the way they do.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

A narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by a lack of empathy and a tendency toward grandiosity. People with this condition crave attention and admiration and tend to believe that others should cater to their needs. As a result, these individuals may feel entitled to special treatment and may expect others to treat them like royalty.

While these traits aren’t necessarily bad, they can cause problems in relationships. For example, some people with NPD may try to manipulate others into thinking they’re superior and may lie to cover up their faults. Others may seek revenge against friends and family members who refuse to give in to their demands.

Narcissistic personalities are difficult to deal with, but knowing the harsh facts of narcissism can help you spot warning signs and avoid getting caught in a toxic relationship.

Essential Signs to Spot A Narcissist

Narcissists often appear charming and charismatic, but behind closed doors, they may be cruel and manipulative.

They are highly self-centered and crave attention. If you suspect you are dealing with a narcissist, here are eight signs to watch out for before things worsen.

1. They Can’t Stop Talking About Themselves

Narcissists are constantly talking about themselves. Yet, they think nothing of interrupting conversations to talk about themselves.

This behavior is called egotism. Egotists are usually selfish, but narcissists are much worse.

Egotists tend to focus on themselves and their accomplishments. Narcissists are obsessed with themselves and their image.

2. They Don’t Listen To Others

Narcissists don’t listen to others. They believe that everyone else has a plan and that they are right.

They rarely ask questions or seek advice. Instead, they assume they know everything and expect others to follow their lead.

3. They Disregard Other People’s Feelings

Narcissists aren’t concerned about other people’s feelings. They care only about themselves.

They are insensitive to others’ emotions and reactions. As a result, they are unable to empathize with others.

4. They Take Advantage Of Others

Narcissistic individuals exploit others for personal gain. They lie, cheat, steal, and manipulate others to get ahead.

They are dishonest and unscrupulous. They are selfish and greedy.

5. The Cycle Begins With an Upset

When a narcissist begins a relationship, he is energetic and enthusiastic. He wants to impress his partner and show her off. It happens during the honeymoon phase at the beginning.

However, once the narcissist becomes insecure and begins feeling rejected, he will start acting differently. Instead of showing affection, he will act cold and distant.

He will also try to control every aspect of your life. If you disagree with him, he will punish you. If you disagree too much, he will withdraw completely.

6. The Narcissist Will Try To Win Back His Partner Through Manipulation

After becoming upset, he will use any means necessary to win back his partner.

He may threaten to leave if she doesn’t receive what he wants. Or he may manipulate his partner into doing whatever he asks.

7. The Narcissist May Be Unaware Of His Behavior

Because the narcissist has been so controlling in the past, he may believe that he is being reasonable when asking for something.

In reality, however, he is only trying to get his way.

8. The Narcissist Is Not Responsible For His Actions

Because the narcissist believes that he deserves everything, he does not feel responsible for anything. Therefore, such people will always be selfish and self-centered. As a result, they will continue to hurt those around them.

They lack empathy and are incapable of feeling remorse or guilt.

A narcissist cannot change unless he wants to.

To avoid becoming a victim of a narcissist, learn to recognize these traits. Stop and take action when you see any of these behaviors in yourself or someone you love.

Narcissist Rebound Relationship

The Narcissist Rebound Relationship is a common pattern in narcissistic relationships. This type of relationship is characterized by a series of ups and downs, where each partner feels rejected at some point during the relationship.

This cycle repeats itself repeatedly until the narcissist finally realizes he can’t live without the other person. At this point, the narcissist will attempt to win back his former lover through manipulation and deceit.

Let’s review some stages that make it rare for such relationships to turn into long-term relationships.

The Narcissist Rebound Relationship Stages

Narcissists typically go through several stages during their rebound relationships.

1. Infatuation Stage

The first stage of a relationship is the honeymoon phase. This is where you are both excited about each other and want to spend quality time together.

Scott Broome

The narcissistic person starts out being very needy, clingy, and dependent. During this time, they try to convince you that they love you and want to be with you in a romantic relationship. Actually, they need a center of attention and would be extremely emotional and clingy.

They will cry, beg, plead, and even threaten suicide if you don’t want to see them anymore. At times, it seems like the narcissist won’t take “no” for an answer. This stage lasts anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months. But wait! What happens next?

2. Blame Game and Insecurity

The second stage occurs once the narcissist realizes that you aren’t interested in seeing him again. In this phase, the narcissist becomes angry and bitter toward you. The narcissist usually blames you for ending things.

They may become verbally abusive, threatening, and controlling, even while claiming carelessness about what happened, but deep down inside, they care. The narcissist is just too insecure to admit it.

If you try to talk about his behavior, he may lash out at you. He will criticize everything about you and try to make you feel guilty about things you did wrong.

As a result, you may be thinking about how long a narcissist’s rebound relationship will last, and the fight starts and increases daily.

3. Give Up Stage

In the final stage of a narcissist rebound relationship, the narcissist starts acting passive-aggressive. The narcissist will act as if nothing ever happened. He will pretend that he didn’t do anything wrong and blame you for everything that went wrong in the relationship. If you try to confront him about his actions, he will deny everything.

It’s called the give-up phase. In this stage, the person tries to distance himself from the victim. As a result, they become cold toward him and ignore his calls and messages.

How Long Does It Take Before The Narcissist Starts Dating Someone Else?

The question of whether a narcissist will rebound after being dumped is a common concern among those who’ve been cheated on by a narcissistic partner. But there’s no clear answer because it depends on many factors, including the type of narcissism exhibited by the person involved.

Some narcissists may be able to move on quickly and find another relationship. Others may need years to recover emotionally. Unfortunately, some narcissists may never fully recover and remain stuck in a cycle of self-absorption and abuse.

There are three types of narcissism: grandiose, vulnerable, and histrionic.

  1. Grandiose narcissists tend to be very confident and arrogant. They’re often charming and charismatic and believe they deserve special treatment.
    Grandiose narcissists usually rebound quickly after being dumped. They may not realize that they were abusive in a previous relationship until they meet someone else. Afterward, they may feel guilty and ashamed. They may blame themselves for the breakup and try to change themselves to win back the person they care about.
  2. Vulnerable narcissists are insecure and needy. They crave approval and admiration.
    Vulnerable narcissists typically experience a longer recovery period. They may blame others for the breakup and become depressed. They may fear rejection and loneliness. They may withdraw socially and avoid contact with friends and family members.
  3. Histrionic narcissists are dramatic and overbearing. They exaggerate emotions and seek constant attention.
    Histrionic narcissists rarely rebound after being dumped. They tend to blame others and refuse to accept responsibility for their actions. They may lash out at anyone who dares to criticize them. They may become angry and aggressive toward everyone, especially those who broke up with them.

Tips to Help you Survive in a Narcissist Rebound Relationship

The narcissist rebound relationship is a dangerous cycle of abuse where the narcissists use their charm and charisma to manipulate the victim into staying with them. This cycle usually lasts between a few months and three years.

If you’re currently in a relationship with a narcissist, here are some tips to help you survive:

  • Don’t let yourself fall back into the narcissist’s trap. Be strong enough to walk away when they start being abusive.
  • Please do not give in to their control tactics.
  • Keep a journal of everything that happens during the relationship. Write down every detail, including dates and times.
  • Get professional counseling to help you cope with the situation.
  • Stay positive and keep hope alive.
  • Know that eventually, you will find another man who treats you right.

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