About Us

Why We Exist

The Rare Guides exists to bring you calm, self-knowledge, better relationships, deeper friendship, greater effectiveness at work, and more fulfillment in your leisure time.

We believe that we can accomplish this through our unique approach to life coaching. Our mission is to provide you with the knowledge, support, and guidance you need to live a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. We aim to inspire you to become the person you were meant to be.

Who We Are

Rare Guides is a passion project run by a group of people who believe that everyone deserves to live a meaningful life. Our mission is to provide practical guidance and support to those who seek to heal themselves and others.

Our approach is unique because we combine psychological insights with ancient wisdom traditions and modern science to deliver powerful results. We work with individuals, couples, and groups to help them achieve lasting change.

We are a passionate group on a mission to bring healing, growth, calm, and self-understanding to people everywhere. We derive our ideas from Psychology, Psychotherapy, Philosophy, Art, and Culture.

As our name – Rare Guides – suggests, we are here for people who want to live a meaningful life, and who wish to help others do the same.


Rare Guides offers a variety of relationship advice blogs. These include topics such as How to Approach a First Date, Ways to Sustain Intimacy Over Time, and How to Love Yourself. Each blog post teaches readers how to develop healthy relationships.

You’ll find that most of the blogs focus on helping readers understand themselves better, rather than teaching others how to behave. However, there are still plenty of tips and tricks to help you become a better lover, communicator, and person overall.

From how best to approach a date, to ways of maintaining intimacy over a lifetime, Rare Guides’ blog posts can teach you how to cultivate healthy relationships.

Our blog posts are written by authors who are passionate about helping others succeed in relationships. You’ll find that our blog posts are informative, practical, and entertaining.